TaiWan identity card number and name Generator

To Create valid Chinese TaiWan identity card number and name Easily and quickly.

NameIdentity Card NumberGenderBirthdayAgeAddress
賀建詩G126926864male1972102852大平街八段294巷642弄2號, 宜蘭縣宜蘭市, 313-94
昌萱娟M258390367female1985070640福鎮街228巷390號18樓, 南投縣信義鄉, 831
廣宏佳M195042140male1986012139稻香五路964巷24號, 南投縣信義鄉, 260
顧豪霖M130963931male1985052739漁港中一路三段789號, 南投縣中寮鄉, 472-63
長孫芳X265068725female1976120149公興路九段734巷898弄847號31樓, 澎湖縣西嶼鄉, 435
簡美翰C166213020male1997070328新華街136號, 基隆市安樂區, 008
臧俊豪K175776840male1988030836自強九路一段904號97樓, 苗栗縣竹南鎮, 293-67
強文U246199428female1977091347清潭路一段212巷300弄513號81樓, 花蓮縣豐濱鄉, 638-96
巴珊D212876645female1981060843正英八路九段680巷894弄228號80樓, 臺南市東山區, 555
福靜W258927088female1995060529南村路12巷253弄912號53樓, 金門縣金湖鎮, 550-59
陽軒信F149460822male1991061633同心一路567巷495弄744號, 新北市三重區, 115-31
蓬傑V168505278male1970042855集鹿南路八段737號, 臺東縣太麻里鄉, 713-19
寇建T118033510male1994060330福錦路九段253巷350號53樓, 屏東縣滿州鄉, 195-98
左丘安G167561092male1991013034富裕十七路五段633號, 宜蘭縣南澳鄉, 842-50
柴豪C168036227male1990100734櫻城三街91巷810號82樓, 基隆市信義區, 770
鄢淑O280429952female1980062544福壽街896巷914號99樓, 新竹市北區, 252
詹芳K208546505female1995072730長樂五街507巷394號74樓, 苗栗縣通霄鎮, 694
曾豪俊I144078045male1975050249中西街177號, 嘉義市東區, 829
丘心宜A104280185male1989110935嘉豐九路三段432號45樓, 臺北市文山區, 892-61
宣雅筱D232125943female1978121347環美街四段636巷405號, 臺南市關廟區, 487-11

What is TaiWan identity card number?

The National Identification Card of Taiwan is issued to ROC nationals who are 14 years or older and have household registration in the Taiwan area. It is compulsory at 14.

Every citizen has a unique ID number. A valid National Identification number consists of one letter and nine-digits. The initial letter depends on the place of one's first household registration. The first digit depends on gender; 1 for male, 2 for female. The last digit is a checksum.

Example:U193683453, B142610160

The letter usage is as follows:

Active Letters Letters no longer issued
Letter City/County
A Taipei City
B Taichung City
C Keelung City
D Tainan City
E Kaohsiung City
F New Taipei City
G Yilan County
H Taoyuan City
I Chiayi City
J Hsinchu County
K Miaoli County
Letter City/County
M Nantou County
N Changhua County
O Hsinchu City
P Yunlin County
Q Chiayi County
T Pingtung County
U Hualien County
V Taitung County
W Kinmen County
X Penghu County
Z Lienchiang County
Letter Original division Date of final issue Current division
L Taichung County Dec. 25, 2010 Taichung City
R Tainan County Dec. 25, 2010 Tainan City
S Kaohsiung County Dec. 25, 2010 Kaohsiung City
Y Yangmingshan Management Bureau 1975 Taipei City

If you want to validate China TaiWan identity card number, here is a China TaiWan identity card number validator.