TaiWan identity card number and name Generator

To Create valid Chinese TaiWan identity card number and name Easily and quickly.

NameIdentity Card NumberGenderBirthdayAgeAddress
潘芬心A227181178female1975051349寶深路520巷651號22樓, 臺北市士林區, 039-54
岑冠建I120116164male1995062929裕隆路四段67號, 嘉義市西區, 836-15
帥美Q296389272female1972122552光榮東路七段620巷79弄243號69樓, 嘉義縣溪口鄉, 875
鄂心U240251778female1982100842豐盛街九段266號52樓, 花蓮縣吉安鄉, 378
司馬欣G267463119female1981051443中樂街八段169巷367弄951號, 宜蘭縣壯圍鄉, 008-54
暨豪H121008540male1988010936永康街七段428號, 桃園縣桃園市, 682
孫廷Z101199179male1995101729光美街九段546巷948弄163號66樓, 連江縣北竿鄉, 794
倪華冠B168186490male1973091351成功十六街二段42巷544號, 臺中市神岡區, 147
儲鈺華W217510194female1977082048東信街一段713巷807弄127號82樓, 金門縣烏坵鄉, 671
暴萍馨J224514119female1990080235朝奉路一段114號37樓, 新竹縣寶山鄉, 252
桑涵萍M206358866female1977030747文澄街382巷159號62樓, 南投縣信義鄉, 896-19
楊哲N165858211male1984072140天泉一路472巷440弄552號53樓, 彰化縣竹塘鄉, 752
養婉A286123634female1981021543大功路五段510巷160號, 臺北市士林區, 661-99
邊軒H174211188male1982052042三鶯路552號, 桃園縣平鎮市, 160
譚婉E246544984female1980122644南勢坑街51號74樓, 高雄市前鎮區, 545
雍文A295979822female1980040345法院前路873巷803弄583號, 臺北市文山區, 084
佟娟雯X206215962female1980060244永新二路三段673巷825號50樓, 澎湖縣西嶼鄉, 336-92
明翰T107401646male1997082428建國南路245巷226號, 屏東縣佳冬鄉, 515
崔依Z242649501female1991120834鎮國路823巷517弄469號5樓, 連江縣南竿鄉, 811
席穎F124545244male1981010543法院前街273巷355號68樓, 新北市泰山區, 709

What is TaiWan identity card number?

The National Identification Card of Taiwan is issued to ROC nationals who are 14 years or older and have household registration in the Taiwan area. It is compulsory at 14.

Every citizen has a unique ID number. A valid National Identification number consists of one letter and nine-digits. The initial letter depends on the place of one's first household registration. The first digit depends on gender; 1 for male, 2 for female. The last digit is a checksum.

Example:U193683453, B142610160

The letter usage is as follows:

Active Letters Letters no longer issued
Letter City/County
A Taipei City
B Taichung City
C Keelung City
D Tainan City
E Kaohsiung City
F New Taipei City
G Yilan County
H Taoyuan City
I Chiayi City
J Hsinchu County
K Miaoli County
Letter City/County
M Nantou County
N Changhua County
O Hsinchu City
P Yunlin County
Q Chiayi County
T Pingtung County
U Hualien County
V Taitung County
W Kinmen County
X Penghu County
Z Lienchiang County
Letter Original division Date of final issue Current division
L Taichung County Dec. 25, 2010 Taichung City
R Tainan County Dec. 25, 2010 Tainan City
S Kaohsiung County Dec. 25, 2010 Kaohsiung City
Y Yangmingshan Management Bureau 1975 Taipei City

If you want to validate China TaiWan identity card number, here is a China TaiWan identity card number validator.